Monday, December 22, 2008


What has Vice President-elect Joe Biden been doing since election night? It turns out quite a bit. He's "been in the room for every major appointment" the President-elect has made, and believably says they have been in agreement. And almost every major source credits him with helping bring Hillary Clinton into the fold as the future Secretary of State.
He stands by his opinion that Dick Cheney may (may?) be among the most dangerous of Vice Presidents ever. Plus, as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee he can knowledgeably question/dismiss Cheney's assertions tat when the Democrats know "what we know they will come around" regarding what we've done interrogating prisoners in Guantanamo et al. Mr. Biden correctly concludes as do all our intelligent agency experts that Guantanamo and the like have been, are, and will be the greatest recruiting tool anti American terrorists have going for them. Will Cheney get criminally prosecuted, in this world at least, Joe Biden obviously can't answer yet. But the new administration has a lot more timely economic matters on their plate and even those who loathe Cheney know its best to be (we'll say it again) "biden their time". Oh, and Vice President-elect Biden hasn't been making any noteworthy verbal gaffes at all recently, and should he do so only our senses of humor or syntax will get tortured.

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