Tuesday, December 16, 2008


50 billion dollars is a lot to make go away even in the papa of all Ponzi schemes, but that's what Bernie Madoff has apparently done. The question for his investors who got duped is not only what to do but what to tell. Such an involvement will not go down on many "maven's" resumes. We at the Faux have 2 predictions. First, Mr. Madoff's victims won't see virtually any of their money ever again. And second, on some YouTube, MySpace or elsewhere a full and complete list of all the financial damage will appear and make those names again want to disappear. One whimsical thought which given Madoff's area of concentration probably didn't happen, we wish he had duped a real life Tony Soprano, than to plagiarize ourselves...he too would be sleeping with the Gefilte fishes.

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