Thursday, December 18, 2008


Senators Bunning, Corker, Selby et al always proclaim their opposition to evolution, just ask them and their evangelical base. No siree, we’re not descended from any baboons or monkeys (it may be sea urchins), their here to tell ya’. They don’t believe in that their Darwinism, you betcha; and their always consistent, well almost always. Because when it comes to Darwinism of a capitalist kind…that they believe in. They will not allow a bailout for the automakers, no matter how many good peoples lives get wrecked in the bargain. If a company “deserves” to fail they say let it, survival of the fittest. The big three automakers must have deserved to fail if they weren’t “intelligently designed”, sorry, we couldn’t help it. We’ll give them this; such a theory applied politically would certainly explain the recent election trends of the Republican party and we hope future ones.

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