Friday, December 26, 2008


It turns out that players sports agents are limited by the various players associations as to what percentage of an athletes contract they are allowed to receive. In baseball the amount is 3% of their clients renumeration but they can obviously have many athletes under contract while the player has only him (or her) self and the limited window that comes with the territory. 3% of a (possible) Manny Ramirez contract of say 21 million dollars a year for 3 years would net his agent Scott Boras a tidy $630,000 per year but of course under Mr. Obama's tax plan Mr. Boras might have to pay more taxes. But, and its an important but, in no other country do as many athletes get paid a fraction of what those playing for US sports teams do. So could any taxation system be more fairer? or as Irving Berlin (composer; G-d bless America) maintained nothing is more patriotic than paying your taxes the very subject of a song he wrote during earliest and darkest days of WWII. And since Sarah Palin is not Vice President we're allowed to appreciate not only the great engine of government which has made America run but the necessity of fuel to that end.

A sporting P.S. We at the Faux predicted that the Yankees would not get what they wanted done in the off season beginning with the signing of C.C. Sabathia. We were R O N G (wrong) and they went further with signing A.J. Burnett and the gifted Mark Teixeira...Yankees fans have to be pleased. By the way, if your spelling and scoring at home the way to remember the correct spelling of the Yankees new first baseman is in both syllables, I before E except for position "3".

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