Monday, December 29, 2008


I’ll never forget that cry, it was issued by a boyhood friend and the “he” in his complaint was me. What had happened is probably evident; my “friend” had hit me, (who can remember what we were fighting about) and I immediately swatted him back with intentional force. There was no great fallout and as kids did and do we went on and forgot. What’s happening in the Gaza strip, alas, is a grown up version of my boyhood incident with of course real human fallout. For days, Hamas which doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to exist but does recognize its right to take rocket fire broke the cease fire and with said rockets attacked Israel. Then Israel of course, finally hit back in response to conduct which has even been condemned by the Palestinian Authority. That would be like Fox news questioning the conservatives judgment (not that they ever would) for pushing Sarah Palin on John McCain as the VP nominee. There’s a lot to play out here but yes Hamas you will get hit back, the operative word being “back” and there simply must be a translation for that in your dialogue. And again regarding the word “back” when Israel doesn’t have to watch hers, you know from her history you won’t have to watch yours.

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