Wednesday, December 10, 2008


While the NY Yankees were failing (at least as of Tuesday) to financially induce pitcher C.C. Sabathia to sign with them, another far less legitimate pitch was being made. That was regrettably by Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich pronounced according to the NY Times Bluh-GOY-uh-vich, whose middle initial maybe "R" but his political affiliation is "D" as in Democrat. As is now widely known Blagojevich was scheming to sell the US Senate being vacated by President-elect Barack Obama. Let's be clear here, even if the "clear channels" bunch proves not to be, no one, but no one including the FBI investigators armed with stacks of evidence and hours of tapped tapes is even hinting that Mr. Obama had even the slightest bit of culpability, much less knowledge of what was going on here. In fact it is known in Chicago circles that Mr. Obama has long been estranged from Mr. Blagojevich.
Briefly, the plot the Governor had hatched involved many anticipated nest eggs including getting millions in bribes, eventually a non-profit funded (in his mind, in his scheme) by such people as Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, and revenge against reporters who had criticized him in the bargain. While millions or more words are sure to be sent and spoken on this matter, we at the Faux hope that complete truths will be the norm rather than just complete sentences. We would hope they would emphasize the fact that to repeat this scandal has nothing whatsoever to do with our President-elect and that in fact Democrat Blagojevich replaced a disgraced Republican Governor George Ryan. Mr. Ryan's claim to fame, or should we say infame, is that he is now in prison for racketeering and federal fraud. This prison (we're guessing) and even maybe his cell, has room for a new roommate.

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D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
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