Wednesday, May 9, 2007


    With all the discussion surrounding George Tenet,
whose name ironically means doctrine, this much is clear; everyone in
the White House after September 11, 2001 was looking for a reason to
tie the attacks to Iraq.  They had their ideological verdict in
place, they just had to get the sham trial done; and while they did,
the lowlifes who actually killed innocent Americans got to escape in
the confusion of Afghanistan.  When will those law and disorder
folks get it; pre-judging a crime is a failure on many levels; in
addition to coming after the wrong guys, you stop searching for the
right ones.  Makes you wonder why some resist using available DNA
evidence in terrorist crimes, capital crimes, or any crimes; quick is
better than correct, we guess.  And our political right might, in
the bargain, get a bit more respect domestically and around the globe
if they focused on getting it right.

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