Thursday, May 31, 2007


We’re not clear yet if the 2 months planned summer vacation for the Iraqi Parliament is still on, but even the very idea upsets us and we understand upsets our president too.  He’s got his pride, you know, he may be out worked but he won’t be out leisured.  Consider that he wouldn’t break away from a 6 week vacation in the summer of ’01 despite a memo stating “Osama Bin Laden determined to attack U.S.”, because well, no attack had happened yet; so why go back to work.  These Iraqi’s, however; are in a country experiencing a civil war with daily, almost hourly sectarian violence and they still talk of knocking off (each other?) for the summer while our soldiers are still out there as targets.
There is a satisfying side bar-so-high, from the Bar-Set-So-Low, however because . . . since we were attacked on 9/11, President Bush’s total vacation days have exceeded that of any two term president in history.  The great ones adjust.

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