Tuesday, May 15, 2007


    Apparently Lou Dobbs in his passionate crusade
against all immigrants (is he of Native-American descent by the way?)
has claimed that there are over 7,000 new cases of leprosy in the U.S.
in the past few years.  This Mr. Dobbs asserts is due to
“unscreened illegal immigrants”.  Since according to the U.S.
Center for Disease Control, 1985 was the year when there was the
greatest number of new cases (less than 400) recorded, and it’s gone
down since; Dobbs’ theory is difficult to believe.  We at Faux
News Network.com were considering fighting the urge to make a bad leper
joke about Mr. Dobbs to his network, CNN, but nah.   So how
about this one: may Dobbs’ limp dictum, not rooted in fact, weaken, and
eventually fall off; in influence that is.  And may he then learn
to look before he lepers. 

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