Tuesday, May 29, 2007


    As a NY Giants football fan, I’ve watched many late
season games focusing on that game day only because there were no
realistic hopes of going into the post season beyond one round, if
that.  Then, sigh, we Giant fans look onto next season and
consider what I like to call the play-off placebo, speculation on the
next year’s draft.  For us Yankee’s fans too, some of this may now
be necessary, and some, may be optimistically different.  This
season 2007, the Yankees are gone, even the wild card is off the
charts, much less any chance of catching the ‘07 Red Sox  which
look more like the ‘98 Yankees than any team in recent memory. 
What then for Yankee fans to do?  First, is watch, try and enjoy
each game as a separate entity and ideally if more of the younger
pitchers; Hughes, Karstens, Rassner, et al, regain health and get
experience, there will be the strength of a well armed future to build
on.  Second, unlike the football draft for the Giants, the
baseball off season for the Yankees is not structured, and that is
where the Yankee advantage in dollars, big dollars could(?) serve us
well.  Consider, dear readers, the average fan spends $100.00 per
game at Yankee stadium, between ticket price, food, etc; and some 4.3
million in attendance (a record) are expected this year despite the
other record, i.e. NY’s won lost.  The result is a gross income
(not counting the souvenir catalogues, radio fees and YES Network
returns) of approximately 430,000,000 dollars.  So, how do you
support a $190,000,000 plus payroll, that’s how.  And
what promises to be a great free agent crop: that may include Tori
Hunter, Ichiro, Andrew Jones and others, the Bronx Bomber’s fans may be
playing “speculation ball” from June on, if they aren’t already. 
And as for the Red Sox, we have to tip our hat:  the Boston Herald
had proclaimed they are “the best team in baseball”, who can argue.

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