Wednesday, May 16, 2007


    Jerry Falwell was a man who engendered strong
reactions, having been called an “agent of intolerance” as well as a
man with a right to play a major role in the Republican Party. Actually
he was described both those ways by the same man, John McCain (in 2000
standing up to the Republican establishment) and in 2006 (bowing to the
same) proving that in addition to polarizing people, he could polarize
a person.

Mr. Falwell called Muhammad a terrorist on “60 Minutes” and certainly
some practice terrorism in Muhammad’s name. Yet, of those Falwell
himself considered terrorists, he said we should “blow them all away in
the name of the Lord”.  He also blamed 9/11 on permissive elements
in American society including “pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays,
and the ACLU”, among others.  Reverend Falwell bragged about his
support for Israel and claimed to have warm feelings for Jews
maintaining they were welcome into his version of Heaven, as long as
they embraced his brand of Christianity, that is.  He was 73 years
old and Jerry, alas, we really knew ye. If you’ve planned correctly for
your next journey, you need not worry about the winter coat.

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