Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Some aftermath is in order.  In an attempt to
achieve a meeting of the minds between the principle parties here, and
some laughs, well at least some laughs, we proposed on this site, a
basketball meeting between some Rutgers women and Imus’ snide-kicks,
McCord and McGuirk, we sent letters, return receipt to the
following:  Tim Russert, Gwenn Ifill, Eugene Robinson, John
Hardwood, David Brooks, C. Vivian Springer, Gino Auriemma, Mike
Fracesca, and Christopher Russo but have heard nothing.  Too busy,
too scared, who knows.  Two of the gentlemen on our mailing list,
David Brooks of the NY Times, and John Harwood of The Wall Street
Journal, were on Meet the Press involved in a lengthy discussion of
race, and verbal insults in the Imus aftermath and, gave clear examples
of what conservatives in 2007 have learned from this affair. 
First consider one David Brooks whose actual dazzling level of insight
is almost equal to his self estimate of same.  Mr. Brooks has been
a guest on Mr. Imus’ show regularly for the last 4 years, and like all
guests, waits on the phone line hearing the broadcast until his
interview begins.  Now get this gang, this conservative master of
insight said he never (until now) realized that Don Imus’ show engaged
in negative stereotypes regarding blacks and women, and others. 
Reminds one of “Animal House’s” Faber College which proudly proclaimed
“Knowledge is good”.  And it gets gooder as John Harwood, of The
Wall Street Journal, another member of that wing of conservatism known
as the, “I Had No Idea Club”, allowed that he has just now come to
realize this (in April of 2007) that the Rap music to which his
children have been listening may have lyrics and messages denigrating
to women.  Here’s a clue Mr. Harwood, when you hear seventeen
words that rhyme with bitch, think about it.  These writers on the
right have their hand on the cultural pulse all right; we just wish
they were ones which had heart rates.

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