Sunday, January 6, 2008


It has occurred to us at the Faux while watching and listening to Barak Obama campaign in Iowa, that the best indicator of electibility may not be capability or even likeability, but the spontaneous quality of adaptability. The man is, let's face it, remarkably facile and as he spoke, the "Meet The Press" desk, while seated, thought so well on his feet. He's a bright, reactive bulb and a black candidate who had people at the Iowa caucus proclaim their support for him in public. We've talked previously about other political contests, most memorably, Ron Kirk in the '04 Texas Senate race, where a black candidate polled "even" but lost solidly, by 12%, to be exact. In Texas, at least we took this to mean that people's feelings, for whatever reason, were different over the phone to pollsters than it was in the privacy of the voting booth. Along those lines, New Hampshire should prove one interesting test because the votes there are, of course, in private. One more "faux" fact; the traditional insurgent candidate, which so many have termed Mr. Obama, is typically hampered by funds and organizations which don't measure up to their supporter's entuhsiasm, NOT here: the smart money says there's real money coming if Senator Obama wins in New Hampshire, to the point where he can out-spend Senator Clinton, two, or even three to one. That's a big bill, for even Hil, though keep in mind she does have the open support of one Warren Buffet who's pretty smart with money himself.

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