Friday, January 25, 2008


One thing about those patriotic folks of the right who claim to love America (and we would hope actual Americans) more is that they always seem to want Americans to vote less. From their inaccurate “Felon Lists” in Florida in the 2000 election, to ID “requirements” (and the fees that go with them) they often seem to challenge would be voters more with barriers than issue and policy considerations.
Well, you know, in Saturday’s South Carolina Republican primary, they did it again, but this time to their own. We’ll explain. It seems that in a county near the coast of South Carolina, the local poll workers failed to set up the electronic voting machines properly and the paper ballots they used as a substitute were insufficient in number and thus many desiring to vote were turned away. Thus in this GOP primary, as in so many elections before regarding voter’s rights, it’s “Turn away, turn away, turn away, Dixieland”.

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