Friday, January 18, 2008


As President Bush honors Saudis Arabia with his visit, proclaiming them “our friend”, it makes us wish the leader of OUR GOVERNMENT would listen to just what OUR GOVERNMENT can say for certain about Mr. Bush’s “friends”, the Saudis. While they (the Saudis) have fought terrorism inside their own country, they’ve hardly done the same else where as 41% of the foreign fighters who entered Iraq in the last year with the intent to kill Americans are of “Saudi Arabian origin, more than any other country”, according to NBC News and Michael Jacobson of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. These unsettling facts are confirmed by OUR GOVERNMENT. Also acknowledged is that we have been unable to curtail funds from rich Saudis to al Quaeda, and again this is confirmed by OUR GOVERNMENT. So how then are we to understand Mr. Bush announcing during his visit, and proudly so, of a large new arms deal with the Saudis and OUR GOVERNMENT. Shouldn’t OUR GOVERNMENT know by now to keep the Saudis out of arms way?

Oh bye the bye, since we all know the warm regard with which this more highly armed Saudi Arabia holds Israel, can we expect another “us, good friend to Jews” bit from the republicans in the 2008 election.

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