Thursday, May 1, 2008


Right now the popular vote in the Democratic primaries so far is 14.3 million for Senator Obama and 13.8 million for Senator Clinton. But if you count Florida, which by law apparently Floridians have done, the lead becomes less than 300,000 with still some contests to go. Rep. Shella Jackson Lee (D) from Texas pointed out this past Sunday that she considers (and we at the Faux tend to agree) that the cup is half full or more, because more, a lot more people have shown up to vote in the Democratic primaries than any time in history. The question, so many seem to agree, is who of the three candidates (remember we’ve still got John McCain with the world’s best frozen smile) is most “in touch”. That, alas, seems to have political ads focusing on who’s most not in touch. Naturally they all have a story from Barack’s being raised by a single mother, to Hillary with her ground breaking journey (for a woman) from Yale Law degree to her very realistic presidential candidacy. And Senator McCain, the descendant of not one, but two Navy Admirals had to recover from a grievous stay in Vietnam as a prisoner of war. We wonder, though, if having married the very, very rich Cindy McCain (worth between 100 and 200 million dollars) when he calls the Obama’s and Clinton’s very well off, me thinks the gentleman pretexts too much.

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