Monday, April 13, 2009



We have heard that Rush Limbaugh is moving out of NY because he is upset about the tax increase being levied upon the top 1% of earners in the city. He claims that they are raisign taxes by 31% which isn’t true, but what the truth have to do with it when Rush is talking? Jon Stewart said it correctly, that for years we have been trying to get him out and now that hes leaving the best we can give him is good directions to beat the traffic

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Carl said...

hahahahaha... so true. They always look like that. each one of them. faces of greed with tons of fat.

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh is actually leaving New York City, because he finally ran through all the underage male prostitutes in the city. He now has to find a whole new crop of young boys to pay for sex.

Anonymous said...

I will try to be polite, but it is hard when people write slanderous comments about ANYBODY. Blanca, I think you have some serious anger issues that you need to work out.
I guess that since Rush is a well known person you feel comfortable saying such a horrible thing. Many times when I read comments such as yours, I actually feel embarrassed for the person. I'm sure that you will have some choice nasty words for me, but that won't change my opinion. Carl, I'm thinking that your remark is supposed to be funny, but what a hateful thing to say.


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