Tuesday, April 14, 2009



Right wing conservatives (and their talk show hosts) have no choice but to admit that the stock market has been going up and that we have a President that represents us well politically, stylistically and most important linguistically. They cannot deny that he took over the leadership of our country being a humble man and simultaneously a firm and determined man.
This leaves them no choice but to talk about Michelle Obamas partial embrace of the queen of England. This is when you really know that you have to get a life. This is also why liberal talk shows never work, as these people actually have lives.
Incidentally, one fo the people who actually thought that the way Michelle acted towards the queen was…the queen, so the right wing talk shows have been royally overruled.

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Steve said...

Are you kidding me? (financially) The stock market is crawling upward from the historic lows it sunk to since he took over, but it is still not back up anywhere near where it was when he took over. (literacy)After the recent pirate problem, he stated that he was fighting an increase in "privacy". This man gets an inch away from a teleprompter and he can't speak. He just recently questioned how to say something in "Austrian", which isn't even a language. He tried to enter the White House through a door. He took a John McCain line that he had mocked as his own when he said "the fundamentals of the economy are strong". And he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia on the same trip where his wife groped the queen. I think we're covering all of the buffoonery of our Novice in Chief quite well. Perhaps it isn't making it that far into la la land where most of his supporters reside, but his antics are going noticed.

Kris said...

"Incidentally, one fo the people who actually thought that the way Michelle acted towards the queen was…the queen, so the right wing talk shows have been royally overruled."

So how did Michelle (so glad you're on a first name basis with her) act towards the Queen? And what did the queen think. Hm... am I missing it? I don't see what the queen thought. And how do you know what the queen thought anyway?

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