Friday, April 3, 2009


In a surprise move the government has dropped the charges against former Senator Ted Stevens because they felt there had been prosecutional misconduct by the federal lawyers as well as the FBI. Stevens was the former Republican Senator from Alaska and had been accused of accepting favors mounting to over $250,000 in value (especially the improvements on his house). He was convicted last October, still ran for re-election and lost in a narrow contest.

What really gives us pause, is what makes the Obama people think they have the right to release a man from the opposite party just because they feel he was unjustly convicted. Could we picture the Bush people who had a corrupt Attorney General doing the same? No. But we should expect from this new justice department that they promote and ensure true and honest justice.

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Anonymous said...

Wow, this really surprises me!!!

I do not understand why they are completely dropping the charges. He broke the law and deserves to go to jail. Stupid pardons like these are exactly what keeping the lobbyists alive.

I am also disappointed in Obama over this, especially after all the publicity he tried to put on his Ethics bill. However, with all the problems that really matter, I doubt Obama had much to do with this criminal.

Steve said...

Ummm... but the point is he wasn't fairly convicted. Ironically, the only reason Obama was able to serve on boards with, accept donations from, and hold campaign events in the house of William Ayers is because his charges were dropped due to... ding ding ding, we have a winner. Proprietorial misconduct.

But, that having been said. You're right, I'm sure Obama was too busy trying to speak "Austrian" to have much to do with this.

The BoBo said...

Ummm...Eric Holder is by no means honest. This man is more corrupt than any other AG that this country has ever had. Apparently you have forgotten about the crap he pulled when he was in Clinton's admin.

But - he is Obama's pick isn't he? Kind says something about Teh One and who he associates with doesn't it?

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