Monday, April 13, 2009


So last week Korea launched a missile intending to show the world their ballistic capability, and it fell harmlessly into the sea. Understandably everyone is concerned, but we just have one question. They are concerned about Korea which has yet to launch its first successful weapon, and they are concerned about Iran which has yet to develop its first nuclear weapon, but why is no one concerned about Pakistan which has dozens of nuclear weapons? The right wing conservatives are so concerned about Iran and N. Korea since Bush called them the “axis of evil”, but why do we see no concern for the “axis of armed”?

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mingus said...

Interesting questions indeed! I suppose no one cares about Pakistan because they are a 'Friend' of the USA and other powers. They will start caring alright once a renegade Mullah comes to power in Pakistan and that occurence is not far from now!

Harrison said...

It's news to me that nobody is concerned about Pakistan. The U.S. government lists them as being in danger of having their government fall. And N. Korea sells their missile technology to Iran. They have had a few successful tests of single stage rockets it's the dual stage part they are having problems with.

Anonymous said...

Right now Pakistan is an friend to the United States so we try not to insult them in public, but I am sure there is allot of concern behind closed doors.

Eddie Garcia said...

I'm afraid that the feelings of most are, what you don't know won't hurt you. This of course is truly a falsehood but people need to stop participating in the ostrich syndrome and get their heads out of the ground. One day we are going to wake up when it is too late and wonder why did it all happen. Duh!!! No one to blame but ourselves for non-participation in world affairs.

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