Friday, April 24, 2009



The incisive Roger Cohen pointed out recently that something that everyone needs to remember about Israel. And that is that they face a very difficult and potentially unholy trinity.
Palestinians are eventually going to outpopulate the Jews.Palestinian population up 30 pct in a decade-census Because as fast as orthodox Jews procreate, it seems that EVERY Moslem family seeks that embryonic path.
The current Prime Minister has backtracked regarding talks about having a Palestinian state.
To have more Palestinians than Jews is current Israel, and to not allow them to vote and control government would be an apartheid state system. And really, if there is one thing that Israelis don’t want to do (other than violate democratic principles) its to make Jimmy Carter sound sage.

But there is (as Ronald Reagan said) the “stubborness of numbers”, and Israel must face this fact and plan accordingly. And while a Moslem majority in Israel may not be an imminent problem for the next few years, it needs to be addressed now to avert a crisis in the future.

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