Sunday, April 26, 2009


A person at Yankees stadium (also an admitted Red Sox fan) is suing the Yankees because he was roughed up while trying to visit the mens room during the singing of G-d bless America. Surprisingly even the NY Post covered it. In 2001 MLB ordered that every stadium sing it during the 7th inning and they rescinded the order in 2002, and it seems that everyone but the Yankees got the message and dropped it.
So to those who are upset if 5 or 50 or 500 people (out of 52,000) don’t stand during G-d bless America, we ask is your faith in the lord so fragile that need 100% of Yankees stadium to stand to reinforce it? We will be following this case, because even though I have always been and will continue to be a Yankees fan, I am also a fan of freedom of speech and the constitution. And sometimes, if a man is 50 or 60 years old…so is his bladder…so let him go.

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1 comment:

Faith and Facts said...

I am amazed by the lack of common sense in our culture today. The is a clear case of the right to be left alone.

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