Thursday, July 23, 2009


Tom Watson came within an eight iron, which probably should have been a nine iron, and almost won the British open. A 59 year old man, a couple months removed from 60, winning a major tournament is unfathomable. There’s no comparison for it, it can’t be done in any sport. If he had won this one he would have literally been the celebrity emperor of the world. But for one bad shot through the green, he subsequently lost. Stewart Cink certainly played well and deserved the playoff win, and we congratulate him for it. Not only is Tom Watson a classy guy, he’s a man who forced his country club to take on Jewish members when they wouldn’t by threatening to resign. He’s a man who spoke out when it would have been easy to just be the quiet good guy who just goes along with neglect and prejudice. But all that aside, Tom Watson played the British Open with 72 grueling holes plus a four hole playoff, and did it all with a hip replacement, making him as a golfer and a person, a very hip guy.

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