Thursday, March 22, 2007


In February of 2003, Donald Rumsfeld lent us his expertise on the
timeline in Iraq, “will it take six days, six weeks, oh, I doubt as
much as six months”, in describing how long the fighting would
last.  Do we hear an “under or over” for six years?  Well,
our president’s war of choice in Iraq has now lasted longer than the
Korean Conflict, and longer than WWII marking it as certainly one of
our longest if least intelligently handled wars or should we say civil
wars, ever.  But  . . . as civil wars go, this one is pretty
short term compared to say the War of the Roses (1455-1485) over the
throne of England.  Wait, didn’t VP Cheney say we’d be greeted as
liberators with flowers?  That old crafty President of Vice, he
knew it all along and was trying to tell us, you see, a War of the
Roses by any other name would be . . . And bye the buy, here’s what
else that VP Rich-head knew:  Haliburton stock in March of 2003
was $20.50 a share and in March of 2007 adjusted for a split on ’06,
it’s now valued at $64.12 a share.  So for Mr. Cheney, everything
in this war is coming up roses. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  

          Recently, after
we’d written about the sloppy planning for this war, re: intelligence,
no WMD’s, inadequate armor, poor handling of the Iraq army, etc.,
someone asked why we at FNN.C don’t spend at least sometime discussing
what our Gerrymander-in-Chief has done right.  Easy, because we
hope to be paid by the word. 

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