Tuesday, March 13, 2007


    Once upon a quarter mile time there was this very,
very fast horse, whose practices and skills were exceptional but whose
performance in actual big time races was lackluster.  Too high
strung, too distracted or too something, whatever the reason, this
skilled horse couldn’t get it done when it counted.  Then someone
in the stable had an idea; get the horse an entourage to keep it
company in its stall and to travel with it when on the road.  Said
companionship consisted of a mule and a long eared dog and the hope was
that this horse, now reassured, would run like it was able and other
horses weren’t.

    The New York Yankees have a thoroughbred of their
own, Alex Rodriguez, who has had some challenges in the “big race”
himself.  Perhaps in a not so random act of mindness, the Yankees
acquired Doug Mientklewicz who happens to be a long time friend of
A-Rod’s – in fact was his go to guy as a pass catching end when they
were high school football teammates in Florida and Alex was the
quarterback.  Now, we’re not comparing Mr. Minetklewicz to a long
eared dog but maybe if Rodriguez has some sort of comfort zone in the
locker room, he’ll get in the zone for the season, and more
importantly, the post-season.  Yankees fans can only hope. 
Oh, and the horse, it ran into history and literature, and went by the
name of Seabiscuit.

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