Tuesday, March 13, 2007


   National forums are pointing out that Hilary Clinton tends
to add a little twang to the gang, especially when she is speaking to a
down home southern gang, that is.  They refer to her appearance
this past Sunday, March 4th in Selma, AL marking the anniversary (also
attended by Barack Obama) of the 1965 civil rights march across the
Edmund Pettus Bridge, and all brutality against the marchers that
ensued.  Politicians showing up at famous (or infamous) locales in
the Civil Rights struggle is not a new thing, witness the kick off of
Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign in 1980 at the town of
Philadelphia, Mississippi.  That Philadelphia story, was a sad
one; it was the place where three (3) Civil Rights workers were
tortured and then murdered in 1964, as told in the movie “Mississippi
Burning”.  Interestingly, the Republican slant towards such events
can be a touch different as Ronald Reagan reiterated the states’ rights
arguments that the Mississippi locals had rused to try and prevent an
FBI investigation.

    You know since at Selma Democrats were honoring the
victims and at Philadelphia the Republicans were echoing the ploys of
those who would protect the murderers, it’s actually quite a bit
different.  And as to the Hilary fake accent bit, Mr. Bush that
genuine son of the south himself (Southern Connecticut that is) chose
to comment using his most sincere upper crust Andover accent “well yur
either fir her or agin her”.  So spoke the Accentuator-in-Chief.

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