Tuesday, March 13, 2007


There’s breaking, but not price breaking news on the prescription drug
front these days.  It seems the big drug companies are losing
their ability in court to prevent the production of generic drugs,
which are the exact equivalent to their brand in every respect. 
Well, not in every respect as NBC news pointed out this week since a 30
day supply of Prozac costs $147.99 and a 30 day supply of the generic
equal costs $24.99.  So what have the price addicted druggies
done?  They’ve taken to paying off the generic firms, a ploy which
has become known as “reverse payments” or “pay to delay” – the fairer
generic price for Americans, that is. 

    The Democratic congress is rapidly working on a law
against “pay to delay”, so we know where they stand, on the side of
those needing their medicines to survive.  Any guess from the
FNN.C fans as to if President Bush is a friend or faux of the people,
especially the elderly in need?

    So what to do:  We at FNN.C have some health
tips for your body and pocketbooks, and you can be patriotic in the

1)    Vote Republican

2)    Get and stay very rich

3)    Never get sick (perhaps your most patriotic gesture of all)

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