Thursday, March 22, 2007


    Robert Dole was never a guy the Bush’s
embraced.  For one thing, he was following Bush’s 41’s attempt to
defeat Bill Clinton and for another, he tended to concentrate on issues
not just gut feelings.  President Bush, as we’ve come to know,
does it differently as he can feel peoples’ inner character, and thus
not be overly influenced by their actual outside deeds.  Two
recent issues come to mind, the first of which involves Harriet Miers –
Mr. Bush’s would be nominee for the Supreme Court.  While her
academic and legislative background was obviously lacking, she would
have been literally an alternative action admittee (like our president
was at Andover) if Mr. Bush had his way, due to what was, in his
estimation, her sterling character.  Looks like the sterling
needed a lot of polish because it seems Ms. Miers was behind a scheme,
which with the eventual help of Attorney Private, I mean Attorney
General Albert Gonzalez was to fire all 93 United States Attorneys so
as to replace them with political friendlies.  She’s some
character, huh?

    In another soul lurching judgment, recent editorials
(and funerals) have brought to the fore the tendencies of Vladimir
Puttin’s critics in the journalist world to shall we say
undemographically die.  It turns out that 13, no as of last week
make that 14, such members of the Russian media have met untimely and
suspicious deaths.  What does this have to do with the
illumination supplied by the Souler-in-Chief, a lot – because of all
the foreign leaders, Mr. Bush has met, Mr. Puttin was the only one
where he specifically affirmed that he had “looked into his soul” and
was satisfied  . . . Satisfied, we wouldn’t think so, but jealous
of Mr. Puttin’s options, we could see that. Come to think of it, we’d
better go hide now. 

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