Monday, March 5, 2007


Recently Barak Obama and John McCain, both
presidential candidates, made what we at Faux News Network see as a similar
well, faux pax. Mr. Obama got about a week’s worth of heat for his: when he
referred to our troop losses in the Iraq/U.S. quagmire as “wasted lives”.  The furor involving McCain, who made his
remark on the David Letterman show lasted much less, just a couple of days,
which is puzzling because again to us the statements seem pretty similar; you
folks judge.  Mr. McCain used and
apologized (as did Mr. Obama) for the phrase “wasted lives”.  Hmm, “wasted lives” vs. “wasted lives”, sounds
similar on the surface, doesn’t it?  That
said, we at FNN.C are willing to offer our services as speechwriters/wordsmiths
for both these guys:  because these were not “wasted lives”, as those who
have fallen in Iraq
quite obviously led purposeful, volunteer and patriotic lives.  Rather, what
would suggest they and all other
Americans say to President Bush was that they were not “wasted lives” they were
“wasted deaths”.  Again, to Bush and
company try and get it, as in “it’s the economy, stupid”; “it’s the wasted
deaths, stupids”.

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