Wednesday, March 28, 2007


    Since by all accounts from the Pentagon, to the
media, well over 50% of our soldiers’ casualties in Iraq are caused by
EAP’s, Explosive Armed Penetrators, we need to ask, what then, has our
troop supporting (in word) administration done indeed.  Well, with
apologies to Shakespeare, in deed, they have done little. 
Consider dear readers, that 5 billion (with a “B”) dollars has been
funded to study this lethal problem 18 months ago; and currently only
25% has even been expended by the Pentagon, with no tangible
improvements for troop protection yet in place.

    But . . . there is an answer, called the MRAP (Mine
Resistant Ambush Protection) vehicle, and one man, Senator Joe Biden,
has proposed their acquisition be made part of the Supplemental
Emergency Budget scheduled to go before President Bush.  The
upside is that they do, in fact, provide 4 to 5 times the protection
than the current armored Humvees do, when they’re actually armored that
is.  The downside is that the military estimates state that about
8,000 of said vehicles will be necessary to our troops, but only 200
are currently available.

Oh, we’re told Haliburton has a version in the works and has assured
the administration (we’re not kidding here) they’ll be ready as early
as 2011.  Think it might just come in over bid.

    We realize this edition of Faux News has a bit more
data than the other F.Xin’ news, but then it would be tough to have

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