Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Many have been giving Mr. Rodriguez grief for opting out of his contract with the NY Yankees d u r i n g the seventh inning of the concluding World Series game, denying the Red Sox their due celebrative attention. To those who say he went too far, we say he didn’t, considering His needs (and are any others as important) go far enough, and to that end, we’ve some suggestions. First he should announce his choice of a new team during the Super Bowl, preferably during a tense drive in the second half. Second, his new contract should have two “opt out” dates, the first to be November 7th, 2008, and the second January 20, 2009. That way, he can interrupt the ’08 national elections, and, if he so chooses (and he will) also be a talking point on Inauguration Day. Then A Rod will be the A-vent, the A-topic and thus the biggest A of all time.

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