Thursday, November 1, 2007


The NY Post and the Daily News, hardly the NY Times’ “liberal” rivals, reported that this week VP Dick Cheney went a-hunting again, this time at the Clove Valley Rod and Gun Club in Union Vale, NY, hardly the heart of the South but philosophy anyway, it showed the rather dark heart of the old South as a Confederate flag was prominently displayed at a garage on the Hunts’ Club premises. Mr. Cheney as is the right wing tradition with such symbols claimed neither he nor any of his party noticed, they never do. But . . . this got us to speculating what if the Confederate Army had consisted of Dick Cheney-like soldiers? They, of course, would not have noticed the human cost caused by the South’s enslavement of humans, would have been happy to bear arms but (like Cheney who, don’t forget forged five (5) deferments from service in the Vietnam era) j u s t w o u l d n’ t h a v e f o u g h t plus, if and when they did shoot, they’d probably just shoot each other in the face; witness Mr. Cheney’s infamous 2006 Texas hunting accident. It’s obvious there’d have been no Civil War and the Confederacy would have had to dismantle the slave plantation system and possibly avoided the destructive Reconstruction era as well. Because, to reiterate, if the Army had been manned by Dick Cheney types, the only thing they would have fought for was to avoid fighting.

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