Tuesday, November 27, 2007


New York City is on pace to have less than 500 murders for the calendar year of 2007. And of these
w e l l u n d e r 1 0 0 w i l l h a v e b e e n by strangers, and this is in a city of over 8 million people. Talk about a death wish for those opposing gun control laws because New York does have in place ones which impose a mandatory year in jail for a first time offense for carrying an unlicensed firearm. That noted, is it possible then that many, many fewer guns have resulted in many, many fewer gun deaths? Is it as logical and simple as that? Especially since most of the victims, in fact, over 80%, (police statistics confirm this) are killed by people they knew, or thought they did. That given, future crazy ideas to be addressed on the Faux include the idea that less super size eating will result in fewer super sized people. And further that more efficient vehicles use less gas which will mean fewer petrol dollars to our petrol enemies. Well, from the Guns and Poses Dept., it’s a shot in the dark anyway.
In closing, we really do need to mention Fred Thompson’s recent criticism of our own Rudy for such radical statements as “Guns and automobiles should both be registered”. Faux Law And Order man Thompson then pointed out that New York City is not emblematic of the rest of the country and he’s right; New Yorkers are shooting and killing way, way, way fewer of their fellow citizens than just about every other city in America.

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