Thursday, November 8, 2007


This Monday, November 11th, or should we say the Monday nearest the 11th, marks the celebration of Veteran’s Day. November eleventh is, of course, the anniversary of (a temporary) armistice, to end hostilities in WWI, known then as the Great War. General John Pershing, or so the legend goes, liked the number eleven even more than Rudy Giuliani likes the number nine eleven (well, at least as much) and thus the signing took place the 11th day of the 11th month, and . . . on the 11th hour, although the rumor that it was eleven minutes after the hour has never been resolved.

Such a number nuance has, of course, been used as a cornerstone of New York City’s own Rudy Tuesday’s (Tuesday 9/11/01 – his one great day) campaign to run for president, while continuing to stand upon the shoulders of those who were victims, and heroes on that tragic day. He has claimed their heroism and sacrifices as his symbol, despite their many vigorous criticisms, and latched onto the combination of the nine and one and one as if it were his own invention, and all the while we thought they were part of the Arabic number system. But he could milk it even more.

For instance, should he be nominated, we suggest he demand the election be moved up to September 11th, and should he be inaugurated, January 19th as in 1.19 (the closest we could get) comes to mind. Of course, he will place his hand on the Bible at 11minutes after 9, and no doubt, berate all who oppose him for nine hundred and eleven minutes. And he’ll be as beloved as he was in New York on September 10th, 2001, another day and number of nuance. And, by the by, when Senator Joe Biden recently remarked that Rudy Tuesday’s sentence consists of a noun, a verb and the phrase “911”; that was just not fair Mr. Biden, because Rudy’s occasionally pitches in with an adverb.

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