Thursday, November 29, 2007


We’re coming up on the 3rd anniversary of some very memorable, if not laudable words spoken on a show called “The O’Reilly Factor”, hosted by Bill O’Reilly. Truth be told, seems more like “The Fracture” to us. In any event, the subject remarks which caused an outrage among some (the few, the proud) Jews and non-Jews, as well, were as blunt as they were vicious. That many didn’t notice or weren’t offended by the offensive gives us pause because the words and the sentiment behind them were clear and went like this “All Jews, who don’t want to say Merry Christmas, should go back to Israel”. The ADL rightly objected and if Mr. O’Reilly ever apologized, we never heard it. And speaking of apologies and . . . spin zoners, I suppose the lovers of Bush and “The Fracture” might spin it that they love Israel so much, they want to help increase the population, right.
Wonder if O’Reilly and like minds know, or want to know, that the root word of Holidays as in “Happy Holidays”, is in fact “Holy Days”. Now we know that many Jews tolerate this administration’s apologists, of which O’Reilly is certainly one; we just don’t know how a proud Jew can.

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