Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Rudy Giuliani’s former police commissioner, Bernard Kerik, surrendered last week to a variety of federal indictments. These include corruption and tax violations and lead people to question Rudy Tuesday’s judgment as to potential cabinet appointees when he’s sworn in as the 911th, we mean 44th president. It seems city inspectors advised the then hizzoner that Mr. Kerik had an obvious conflict of interest as he worked for a corporation trying to generate some lucrative contracts with NYC for work involving its prison system, and Rudy says he did, in fact, have a meeting with the inspector but as to the exact content on Mr. Kerik’s conflicts, he just can’t recall. He can’t recall, perfect because now at least we know one of Mr. Giuliani’s cabinet members: Alberto Gonzales, the man who could never recall, for Attorney General.

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