Monday, November 12, 2007


Some members of my family were involved militarily in WWII, Vietnam, and the Gulf War; none have ever worn a flag lapel. Another group of family members consistently wear the flag lapels and often sport the shirts with a “United We Stand” logo. This is fine because a “United We Served” logo would have been inappropriate since none of them ever wore this country’s uniform for a minute and to be frank, in most cases, by specific and for their personal safety, intelligent design. My late father-in-law, Colonel Robert Matheson, who fought in the tank battles in the blizzards of Europe, and his best friend, Charles “Chick” Aimes (still with us) who also fought with him under General George Patton said it best “Wear a little pin of flag, nah, I served the flag”.

As to what these old war dogs said about our Flagger-In-Chief, this being a family blog, we can’t repeat.

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