Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We have all heard about the swine flu outbreak which sadly this morning took the life of another human being (a 2 year old toddler from Texas), and we still don’t know how many will fall victim. In general however, the cases in the US have been much less lethal than in Mexico. We still have to be on guard, act with caution and increase our hygiene levels. A frind of mine recently pointed out that perhaps we should pay more attention to the dietary recommendations of our ancestors (and the Bible). One thing you know about a Kosher Jew, while he may catch the flu…it probably wont be the swine flu.

I found a blog with a relevant article. So here is the link.Click here

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Nunzia Rider said...

Texas toddler turned out to be from Mexico, in Houston for treatment ... and you can't get the flu from eating meat. it's one of those air things.

like your blog by the way. keep going.

Anonymous said...

Well you are right and wrong at the same time. What i mean to say is that swine flu does not come from eating pork but it does come from keeping pigs in cluttered places. And the only reason that they keep pigs in very cluttered places is because people eat them!! so maybe god saw that eating pork would bring people to make the places where they live very cluttered thus causing swine flu. And i already can guess what you are going to answer me. That there is nothing bad about eating pork as long as we make there living pens larger. That wont either work because you will never be able to regulate all the pork in the world it just take one farm and you can have thousands of people infected. The 1918 flu virus spread across the world in three months and killed at least 40 million people. In 1976 there was a outbreak at the army base at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Hundreds of soldiers on the base, mostly recruits, were infected without becoming ill. So we better pray for the results of 1976 not the results of 1918 if 40 million people died then and half the worlds population and went on for 2 years. we are in for trouble!!!!!!!!!!


Aditya said...

Modern diseases are grown by us...
We are destroying our nature in turn nature giving us some pleasent gifts

clamdobber said...

1. I want to make it very clear that there is no such thing as god, the entire notion is ridiculous.

2. But pretending for a second I was insane and thought there was a god, I would ask,

"how come it's always the poor people who have a crappy life, that god decides to make an example of by giving them diseases like swine flu?"

In conclusion, this has 0 to do with god whether he exists or not.

Anonymous said...

Dear clamdobber
In response to your comment.
God is proving himself by sending the virus to the united states like you mention on your blog (Virginia based Smithfield Farms was fined by the EPA to the tune of 12 million dollars in 1985 for dumping pig waste into the Pagan River in Smithfield Virginia and causing an ecological disaster. They were forced to create a sewage plant to deal with waste. Fast forward to NAFTA. A branch of Smithfield Farms moved their operations to Mexico, where they could avoid the EPA, and still freely trade their filth begotten goods to the largest market in the world, with little taxation.)

And you are asking a famous questions. Why do good people suffer???? That question has been asked for years by every nation and specifically the Jews by the Spanish inquisition the numerous pogroms the holocaust and the current suicide bombings in Israel. I am not going to elaborate on the answer. To put it in a few short words. innocent people suffer because god wants to get rid of even the smallest bad in good people so that when they come to heaven they should have no bad left in them. So they should not need to suffer in hell like it is mentioned in the Talmud 1 second in hell is the likes of millions of years of suffering on this world. Like when the sun moves 1 inch in heaven it is thousands of miles on the earth. And god gives bad people a good life so that he can save all the punishment for them after they die. I like to compare that to credit card company's which the thing that they are hoping for is for you to keep on paying the minimum.


clamdobber said...


To anonymous, you should check out the site, for these kinds of arguements. iam_davidh, you'll see me all over the place.

I will throw you a mention on my site ( for your little caption... though a link would have been cooler, but that was nice of you. I'll do it soon as I have a descent place for it, it may be a couple days, I don't wanna just throw it anywhere,

I really do not feel like getting into a religion discussion right now, basically there is no evidence accept people "really really feel" that there is a god, and people sometimes also "really really feel" the voices in their heads are telling them to climb a clocktower and kill people.

So soon as you talk to god, tell him to drop me a line personally, and I'll get on the whole penance thing.

Till then, hail the Flying Speghetti Monster, long live Santa, and screw the tooth fairy because teath are worth way more than a buck.

jane ad said...


I often look at the posts but I don't respond because I really don't blog well ... Keep it coming.
Regards to Pat.
Jane AD

The BoBo said...

I'm not sure what you're incredulous about. Adding the right to carry guns in national parks or the fact it was added to a credit card bill. Where was your outrage when 2/3ds of the so-called stimulus bill was pork and should not have been there?

If you're talking about the right to carry guns in a national park - so what? We have a 2nd amendment right to carry guns. That just corrected a wrong that was enacted in the Clinton era. Banning the right for licensed gun owners to carry is a direct violation of the 2nd amendment.

You do believe and affirm our constitution don't ya?

After looking at these comments - can't quite figure out what any of them have to do with the posted discussion.

The Faux News Network Principles

A) We distort, you abide
B) Or we retort if you deride, unless we choose not to
C) Complete sentences are acceptable in lieu of complete truths
D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
G) On what we feel is wrong in this world, we can’t stop people from saying I don’t agree or I don’t care, but we won’t let them say I didn’t know
H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
I) In times of emergency, we should rally around our President: In times of democracy he should do the same for us
J) We proudly plagiarize in advance, examples available upon request
K) It’s easy to be fun-based when you’re fact based
L) Good news parody makes for good news parity
M) And, of course, our goal is and always will be to be the most trusted name in Faux News