Friday, April 24, 2009



It began 7 or 8 years ago when I bought a beautiful Yarmulka (Jewish head covering) at a craft show. The Yarmulka had a fancy design but it was the label that caught my eye. It was not made in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan, it was made in Jerusalem by a place called “Yad Lakashish”. Now I am here at this store and it is magnificent to behold; there are Mezuzas, Jewish woodworkings, banners, and that’s just only the “condiments”. The real nourishment here is the sense of purpose, the daily jobs and the sense of community that you feel. You see, the workers here are elderly people, and as you walk from place to place you see 70-90 people working happily on art embroidery and wood craftsmanship. It is amazing to think about the fact that this journey began so long ago with a tag on a Yarmulka and now continues to “cap” and “captivate” us. With so much of the merchandise that we buy in the US currently being made in China and Vietnam in a method that seems like slave labor, what we find in Israel is what seems like “liberating labor”.

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1 comment:

Faith and Facts said...

Sounds a wonderful blessing for your journey. It is a sad fact that we are losing the sense of community and productivity that you experienced.

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