Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The Presumptive (Vice) President for John McCain would be who? He says he doesn’t know yet, OK, but that’s an important white male (are there any other kinds of Republicans in the mix, ever) for the future of this next national election. Figure the figures, almost anyone familiar with the strains and stresses of the American Presidency seems to feel that a man personally and physically ages three years (at least) for every one chronological year spent in that office. Just look at the before and after photos, even those of the time off president (our current addition) who set the all time goof off (vacation) record for total days off, by the time he hit year five of his presidency. The previous leisure leader was of course
Ronald Reagan, whose age and Alzheimer’s may have been factors. But back to McAge; he’ll be almost 73 years (not young) when he starts his first term and figuring the three to one dissipation he’d be almost 96 when he left a second term. And these guys always want a second term, so does that mean Mr. Cain’s choice of VP candidate is a political living will?--------------------submitted by Charles

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