Monday, February 25, 2008


A number of fans (about 1%, hey, that’s a number) still believe Roger Clemens is innocent of helping formulate his success in later years. Speaking of formulating, he sure was inept in doing so regarding his public defense in those House Committee on Oversight hearings.
Again, for the record, Roger requested those hearings himself, in fact he insisted on them to give the public a clear picture of his being “clean” from chemical taint and we’d say that 99% against is as clear a picture as you’re going to get. But it gets better, because Mr. Clemens was scheduled to do an ESPN event at Disney World from February 29 through March 2nd, and says he’s changed his mind about doing so because he doesn’t want to “cause a distraction”. But, and we Fauxvians find this just right, his picture is still on the Web site posing with Goofy.

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