Thursday, February 7, 2008


Just what are the primary concerns of primary voters: are they economic, security, immigration, health care or some tinted mixture? The pundits were going to be prophets of course, but on Wednesday morning they could only tell us what little they knew and, that was how little we knew. Sure McMime had the GOP lead but Flitt and Mike Heckofathree (he’s in third place) have gotten some decent wins as well, while Hilliam and Baracktothefu had split some big prizes, practically down the middle. There is still a lot of running to be run, in March and April when Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania are in play. Two last footnotes: the whining of Flitt Romney aside we at the faux do have to wonder where he’d be if Heckofathree weren’t getting some of his would be conservative base, for which Flitt has flipped and pandered so hard. And while Baracktothefu has the advantage in men, young voters and Black voters and Hilliam does better among women and Hispanic voters, there might be another reason she had a little bit more of a Super Tuesday than pundits predicted. Why? Because she was dominant among the Asians who voted and they so take the vote seriously; and since so many in the media didn’t really discuss them or see it coming will Hilliam’s secret weapon be that she’s a secret Asian Ma’am?

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