Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Fox News reports that 1 in 4 Britons in a recent survey do not think Winston Churchill “ever existed”. If this is so, the English should be gentler in their criticisms of our school systems. But…..in a survey just a few years back distributed in one of our Northeastern Universities, the respondents were asked to put in chronological order the following historical events: The D-Day Invasion, the Korean War, the fall of the East German Wall and the first man landing on the moon. Only 44% were able to put these events in the correct order causing us in the Faux News Nation to wonder as to how many of these folks also listen to Fox news, because the first time President Bush admitted (because he had to) that Iraq and Saddam had, in his words, “nothing” to do with 9/11 it was a surprise. To Fox viewers, that is because their own surveys, of their own viewers, showed that well over 50 % believed Saddam was part of the 9/11 plot, whereas over 75% of the rest of Americans, those not all Foxed-up knew, again, as our President admitted that Iraq had “nothing” to do with 9/11. But then, neither did Iran, so why can’t we invade them, they meet the non criteria.

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The Faux News Network Principles

A) We distort, you abide
B) Or we retort if you deride, unless we choose not to
C) Complete sentences are acceptable in lieu of complete truths
D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
F) We’re not always accurate but we’re always certain
G) On what we feel is wrong in this world, we can’t stop people from saying I don’t agree or I don’t care, but we won’t let them say I didn’t know
H) The director’s board has a whim of irony
I) In times of emergency, we should rally around our President: In times of democracy he should do the same for us
J) We proudly plagiarize in advance, examples available upon request
K) It’s easy to be fun-based when you’re fact based
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