Tuesday, February 19, 2008


We are introducing a new contributor, Mr. Raymond Stanley Thomas Coadd (pronounced Code), a gentleman from the area who’s political philosophy was influenced by his college roommate who hails from Little Rock, Arkansas. He says he has learned much from this son of the south as his writings will show. He has, at times, just a bit of an edge. His submission today:

My man for president, Sen. John McCain is on the way to go all the way and I don’t appreciate the nicknames given to him in this blog. McMime, McMimic, McSame or whatever. If he’s “Bush heavy” instead of Bush light, so what we finally got a war hero supporting war and a victim of torture who speaks out against torture, unless the base coerces him to change of course. Non the less he’s gathering our crowd again including George Allen who lost his Senate re-election bid to another war hero Jim Webb, mainly because of his well you know, personal words and deeds, and ….. a video cam. Anyway don’t you 69% fringe of all voters who claim you’re willing to vote for a black man to pollsters feel you can’t return to our past in the voting booth. Just not our loud please, so the Faux won’t be calling him John Macoca.
Submitted by Stanley

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