Wednesday, February 27, 2008


According to the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joe Biden, we’ve spent in the last 3 weeks in Iraq what we’ve spent in the last 6 years in Afghanistan. These are numbing numbers. And remember, Afghanistan is where the Taliban gangs are, and where Bin Laden is so why don’t we concentrate more on getting bad guys than inspiring and maybe enabling new ones.
In another numbers nunsense, John McCain defends the story of himself and a lobbyist making the case that he’s against taking money or . . . aid from lobbyists. On point, his exact quote is “Special interests have too much influence in Washington”, but on this matter is Mr. McCain once again McSame as in not too special on special interests. Consider what was revealed nationally this past week: lobbyists actually do work on Mr. McCain’s campaign, at least just a little bit. A key political advisor, Charles Black, currently heads a prominent lobbying firm with such clients as AT&T, JP Morgan and NBC, and get this fauxvians, his campaign manager, Rick Davis founded his own lobbying firm. These folks often work without pay and probably . . . expect nothing in return should Senator McCain be elected president, the Senator maintains. Well, if you believe that, we at the Faux are prepared to sell you this week only, the Verazzano Bridge, but not the Brooklyn Bridge. You see we already sold that one today and we have our ethics. Now let’s not concentrate on just complete sentences in lieu of complete truths because The Public Citizens Group which many have found to be annoyingly accurate, recently pointed out that Barack Obama has 9 (nine) current or former lobbyists working for him and Hillary Clinton has all of 19 (nineteen) working for her. Oh yeah, that complete truth thing; McCain has only 59 (fifty nine) lobbyists, current or former, working for him. We’ve just got to get more bridges available for sale, don’t we?

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