Friday, February 1, 2008


As author Jacob Weisberg (“The Bush Tragedy”) recently pointed out, President Clinton has not been acting like a former president but more like a running mate – the divide and conquer half. Hill needs a more buffered Bubba, with the inimitable charm and humor he displayed when he was the candidate. President Clinton, deep down, knows better, our guess is how to begin to do better, as in less is more. And on that subject, in the Democratic primary in Florida where by agreement no Democrats were active, Mrs. Clinton received over 850,000 votes, and the three (3) Democratic leaders a total of over 1,600,000 uncampaigned for votes. In the Republican contest, John McCain, Flit Romney, and Ruby Tuesday, spent many millions and got roughly the same numbers of support, with Mr. McCain, (we need a good nickname for him) being named on a little under 700,000 ballots. So as to campaign ads, appearances and dollars, for Billary, Hilliam, or Hill, less got her more.

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