Thursday, June 12, 2008

Almost a Leap of Faith, But Hey, We're Used To It


As gas hits on average of $4.30 + per gallon, thoughts at the pump (where you don’t want to think of the price on the pump) wander back to February 28th. This date, the date before the leap year February 29th was one of the many special press conferences which give credence to Joh Stewart’s famous out burst on Larry King, which we’ll explain later. Anyway, on this past February 28th, our oil’s well president was in formed by a questioner that people were afraid, that gas price might reach $4.00 per gallon.

President Bush: “Wait a minute, what did you just say?”

Questioner: “A number of analysts are predicting $4.00/gallon of gasoline this spring when they reformulate.”

Bush: “That’s interesting, I hadn’t heard that.”

Wonder if he has yet.

Oh, Mr. Stewart on Larry King it went something like this: Mr. King asked Mr. Stewart if America was ready for a woman or a black president. Mr. Stewart looked puzzled and answered, “this is such a non question…..Did anyone ask us in 2000 if Americans were ready for a moron?”

Now ask us if we’re used to it, and believe the third time (term) would be a charm. Happy refills.

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