Thursday, June 19, 2008


Political pols are calling republican presidential nominee John McCain “McBush” while we at the Faux feel McSame is a much better description. We’ll try and explain; On all the basic issues (or at least most); The Iraq war, the economy and health care no one on either side disputes that these men have virtually identical positions.
There are, as main stream news organizations fairly note some differences that exist however; on the environment to John McCain’s credit he sometimes at least seems to realize we have a planet in peril, and whatever anyone’s view on intelligent design we are going to need intelligent human designs to attack these problems. To those who would argue note to their eyes, ears and brains; its long been one of the risks of global warming according to so many of those silly scientists anyway, that we will also be subject to more weather extremes such as hurricanes, tornadoes and violent thunderstorms. Read the news or just look outside and night for confirmation.
Still, Mr. McCain’s most McSame as opposed to McBush moments have been in his positions on immigration, tax policies, dealing with terror suspects and as of this week drilling in the US for oil. On these matters, there was a time when John McCain did talk straight and straight out against the stubborn policies of Mr. Bush. Aside, stubborn is the absolute most polite description to our Presidents positions. Nonetheless Mr. McCain’s policies on these important matters morphed towards that of the President’s as it became evident he had a real chance (as opposed to 2000) to actually be President. In fact Senator McCains voting record confirms the McSame label; his support for President Bush has gone from 90% (the last six years before this one) to 95% this past year. So is it better to have as President one who never reflected much on these issues (Dub of course), or one who once was thoughtful but has “readjusted” to suit his party…base…instincts? How about one whose mind keeps working and keeps growing like one Barack (to the future) Obama and his incredible learning curve. That could well be our survival curve because unless you think the last seven years have worked well for America’s future prospects we cannot afford to McStay the McSame course.

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D) It’s OK to criticize the 2006 Democratic Congress for all America’s problems since 2001
E) We shoot from the flip
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