Monday, June 16, 2008


With Michele Obama’s “proud of America” remark on center stage and you’ve got to know the reflex pundits from the right will keep it there, legitimate issues are actually being considered. We at Faux would just just like them considered in a legitimate way. Much is made of the “patriotism” of Blacks including judgments made regarding their “gestures” or lack of same such as, singing the national anthem (they should we feel), removing their heats during it (again a “should”), or just displaying appropriate flag emblems, stickers, Not much however by the right wing, of course is said about the patriotic deeds of black Americans as opposed to their words (or songs) however. Here’s a big “deed” thing and it’s not in dispute either by the statistics compiled or memories kept, by all who served in Vietnam and that is that in far greater numbers than their share of the population blacks served in Vietnam and faced hazardous duty.

Granted that’s a lot of italics but there’s a lot selfless service to America in the books and a lot of names on the Vietnam wall as well. We guess that means Bill Clinton was not the first “black president” because be avoided service (one deferment) in the Vietnam War in which incidentally he did not believe. But no one, we mean no one following the political debates are dynamics of the last four presidential elections can deny that Mr. Clinton’s draft exemption may have been the greatest moment in right wing talk show history as it could be used as a counter arguement when any, who could count or account, would point out the numerous Republican politicians and pundits with their numerous Vietnam deferments to match. And for the record they all claimed to have favored the Vietnam War. Just not all that personally, apparently.

So then back to Blacks, who served and suffered nobly (and still do) as a result of our country’s Vietnam endeavors and other wars of choice; not the choice of the black soldiers but the U.S. government’s of course. And speaking of choice, what decisions about service did Barrack Obama make during the Vietnam era draft? We’re not sure, but since Mr. McCain has raised the question by saying he (Mr. Obama) did not look to wear our country’s uniform, it should be mentioned that at the height of the Vietnam War, between 1968 and 1969, Mr. Obama was turning eight years old. John McCain of course suffered doggedly as a prisoner of the North Vietnamese but he has applied no litmus test of service regarding all the draft ducking right wingers he’s supported over the years. Were all these men such cowards that Mr. McCain feels there should have been yet another Black American to take their place (as obviously many did), even if he was eight? If their “men instead” were eight or eighty, the chicken hawks in this administration wouldn’t have cared, so long as they weren’t the ones to go, and everyone, including John McCain knew that, once. Isn’t that a touch more relevant than Michelle Obama’s phraseology or fist pumps?

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