Sunday, June 22, 2008


Since 9/11 prisoners in American hands in the U.S. and Iraq had to face we’re told (and we know) “new” types of interrogation “techniques”. William Haines who was the Pentagon’s top lawyer following 2001 was asked about such “innovations” at a senate hearing as to just who authorized them. His preface before testifying “first off, my memory is not that great”, is a disclaimer worth remembering gang and we believe you’ll see why. He continued “I don’t have first – hand knowledge who made up the list of techniques”. For the record, these methods included sleep deprivation, the use of dogs and stripping detainees of their clothes, and the locales at which they were employed included Abu Ghiraib. Military lawyers (ours) claim such acts violate the Geneva Convention and did, and do, strongly oppose their use. But when a legal review of the military was initiated it was curtailed by Mr. Haines (he remembered to do that much apparently) according to numerous witnesses. Now we do not expect William Haines or his boss at the time, a Mr. Donald Rumsfeld (go know) to own up as we refer again to Mr. Haines opening statement “first of all my memory is not that great”. But hey, don’t our Pentagon’s lawyers or any lawyers for that matter need to remember things to conduct their cases or earlier in their career just to pass um well, their bar exams and the like. Or did all attorneys who’ve enabled the Bush Administration just get their degrees at he Albert Gonzales Can’t Recall U.

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